WKA disbanded
Notes from my last w.k.a. meeting....
(dick). Ok, ok, let me bring this meeting to order.
(group) chattering
(dick) Hey! Quiet down you three. Yes, now, thanks for showing up this evening. My name is Dick and I'm a White Knight.
(group) Hi Dick
(dick) Ok, I want to start the meeting off tonight by reminding everyone the pitfalls of doing goodwill and the danerous path into which it will inevitably lead. Your intentions may seem initially noble, but you will ending up fretting continuously on making things better, leading to a distaught and troubled nature, possibly ending in some mentally unstable state. Tithes will increase burdening you financially. Too much time will be spent on these "causes" taking away from your valuable unproductive leisure time which is necessary for physical wellness. We all know that without untoward intervention you may all end martyrdom. Now, what must you think when you get the urge to reach out and aid someone?
(group) A helpful hand can often get bit.
(dick) Right, good, lets move on now to ungrateful testimonials. Anyone want to start?
(tom) Hi, I am Tom and I am a White Knight
(group) Hi Tom
(tom) Well, I am ungrateful for having a sound analytical mind and prefer to spend free time practicing my ability to gargle Queen's "We Are the Champions" with a mouthful of beer.
(group) Thanks for sharing Tom
(dick) You are makeing great progress Tom, a fine example to us all. Anyone else feel like sharing. Harry, David? No, ok moving on to accomplishment key chain awards. Is there anyone here that hasn't done a good deed for the last 5 years and get the highly coveted black key chain? How about one year and gets the grey key chain, no? How about 6 months for blue? One month for a red keychain? Since last week for the yellow keychain?
(group) ~all hands meekly raised~
(dick) Well, I am all out of yellow key chains. I gave them all away last meeting. What is wrong with you people? You aren't working your steps. Aren't you calling your buddies to get through your times of weakness, when you feel the desire to help your friends and family?
(harry) ~raising hand~ dick?
(dick) Yes Harry?
(harry) Well I called David last night when my neighbor came over for a couple of eggs to make a cake for her mothers birthday. So I shut the door and hurried and called David to ask if he thought if that giving them to her would be a conflict in being overly helpful. He said, well you didn't go over and ask if they needed them, did you? I said no. Then he asked if the eggs were over a week old, and I said yes about 10 days old according to the package, so he told me to go ahead and give them to her since they were probably no good anyway. So I did. But afterwards, I researched on the internet and found out the shelf life of eggs is really 3 weeks so I am not sure if it was intentional or if it was just David's poor judgment, but now I faltered and have done a good deed.
(dick) hmmm
(david) ~raising hand~ I have a question?
(dick) Go ahead
(david) If I gave Harry sound advice wouldn't that have been construed as being helpful, and then I would have failed myself?
(dick) hmmm
(david) ....and since you, Dick, are here setting up this meeting, wouldn't that be considered "helpful to our fellow humans" and be in direct conflict in the steps to recovery of the White Knights Anonymous? These meeting are in-and-of-themselves hypocritical in nature!
(dick) Perhaps your right. I suggest to everyone that we permanently disband this group and practice a doctrine of unfriendly isolationism in the future.
(david) That was advice and would still be considered helpful.
(dick) Maybe, David, you should follow Tom's wise lead and spend more time on your beer gargling lessons!! Meeting adjourned!!